Friday, November 10, 2006

An opportunity to learn

by Andrew Camenga
You never know when an opportunity to learn will come along.

As I sat at a picnic table in Salemville, PA, during an Association meeting last summer, I listened to a good friend of mine describe a day's work in the life of a traveling salesperson — waking before the sun, running all day, getting off the road long after the sun had gone to sleep, and flopping into bed to for a few hours rest before doing the same thing the next day. We talked about some of the frustrations that are involved with a schedule like that — how hard it is to stay connected with anybody else, be they family or friends. We talked about how nice it was to have a Sabbath in the midst of that kind of schedule. And we talked about how hard it was to find time for God.

Then it happened — I had a chance to learn. As the conversation was winding down, he looked at me and asked, “So with your travels, do you find time for God or is life just too busy?” I couldn't give the answer I wanted to. Sure, I find some time for God. But, I have also allowed myself to be consumed (for weeks) with details to the point of distraction. I had to say that sometimes I allowed myself to think that life was just too busy to engage in those things God has said will help us know Him. The question has echoed through my heart and mind many times since that conversation, provoking me to set aside what I thought I wanted to be doing in order to remember clearly the love and light of the One who died for me — and to bring the light of His word to bear on those things in life that I would prefer to hide.

I hadn't thought that meal would do any more than to pass some time before the next event of the day. Instead of demolishing time, I was challenged to grow. Sometimes, these things “just happen.” God wants us to think about ways to make them happen (Hebrews 10:24).

Believe it or not, this blog is hopefully one of those ways. Keep checking back.

As various people post, you'll read about some of the things people employed by General Conference agencies do to help local ministries. You'll see descriptions of trips, plans for ministry, hopes for helping churches, and maybe even the occasional frustration that comes when a desire for quick results won't wait for the timing of God. Regardless of what is posted, you will almost assuredly have an opportunity to learn something about our shared ministry — and you may even find yourself unexpectedly provoked to love and good deeds (You did read the Scripture verse referenced above, right?).



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