Friday, July 27, 2007

General Council meets in Oregon

by Gordon P. Lawton
The General Council of the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference, USA & Canada, Ltd. met for their pre-conference meeting this week in the beautiful North-West US. There was much to discuss and prayerfully ponder. Chairman Don Graffius (with the yellow wings) kept us on track. Four churches are seeking membership in the Conference this year and all four are being recommended for membership. The final decision will be made next week by delegates during the Conference sessions.
President Ruth Burdick is ready to lead out in the sessions this year and President-elect, Rev Andrew Samuels (Pastor Andy) is on track with his planning for the 2008 session.
Please be in prayer for the delegates and sessions this year at George Fox University in Newburg, Oregon.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Summer Institute 07: SDB Polity

by Gordon P. Lawton

The Summer Institute in Seventh Day Baptist Polity went well. This year (June 18-29) was the first time in over 30 years that Polity was the main focus. For the last 30 years it has been included with the SDB History course. It was good time of learning and bonding. Students were: D. Scott Smith (Salem, WV), Chuck Meathrell (Salem, WV), Dusty Mackintosh (Foothill, CA), Shay Rankhorn (Paint Rock, AL), Gus Tucker (Paint Rock, AL), Wayne North (New Auburn, WI) and Michael Cummings (Millyard, London, UK).
If you get to see one of these students you can as them about some of these terms: Autonomy, Antinomianism, Priesthood of all believers, Association Principle, Congregational polity, Covenant, Baptism, the body of Christ, Interest Committees, the origins of Associations, Yearly meetings, Accreditation, License to Preach, CLT, and TMI. :-)
It was a joy to have a full two weeks to talk about polity. Next summer is Sabbath Theology. Dates to be announced.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

90 Day Challenge

by Rob Appel
In the June Sabbath Recorder I wrote and article about tithing and what I called a 90 day challenge. In the SDB Forums there has been some talk about what this all means and where does the tithing start.

The simple fact is it it starts at home. It starts with you. It starts with being disiplined in your giving and training your children in the principles of being good stewards.

My desire in writing the article is two fold. One, it gets those that have not received the blessing from their tithe, to receive the benefits that they are given from God from being obedient. The catch, of course, is that you only tithe expecting to win the lottery or some distant relitives inheritance.

So Are You Up For a Challenge?

I challenge each of you who have not tithed to have an opportunity to take the NEXT STEP in tithing. If you will commit to tithe for only a three-month period, it will give you the opportunity to witness firsthand that gift of tithing. Yes, it is a gift. God gave to us and we are to pass on those gifts to others. You can hear all the tithing testimony until the “cows come home” but it will mean nothing to you unless you try tithing for yourself. It is something that you have to experience on your own. I would like to hear back from you about the changes in your finances and the gifts God blessed you with that you never experienced before. This is the “90 Day Tithe Program” that I wrote of earlier in this article. As this concept is applied, it can literally take the local church, our Conference and the world, and let them work in harmony together, as God has intended us to do.

The NEXT STEP is yours…are you up for the challenge and the blessings?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Youth PreCon Notes

by Andrew Camenga
Please don't arrive early.

The Board of Christian Education will be charged a fee if anyone shows up at the Youth PreCon site before 4:00 p.m. The owners of the Youth PreCon site are hosting a group immediately prior to our arrival and need until 4:00 p.m. to clean. Please understand this and respecttheir needs. If you need to drop a Youth PreCon camper before 4:00 p.m., please leave them at the Young Adult site. The Host Committee will provide transportation to the Youth site at an appropriate time. Additional information about Youth and Young Adult PreCons is available on the Board of Christian Education website.

There is a detour on the way.

The normal route to Molalla Retreat (Youth PreCon site) is disrupted this year due to construction. Detour directions with a map are posted on the Molalla Retreat website.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy Fourth of July!

by Kevin Butler
Each year, the President of the United States issues a declaration about the country's Independence Day. Here is the 2007 statement from George W. Bush:

I send greetings to Americans everywhere celebrating Independence Day.

Two hundred thirty-one years ago, 56 brave men signed their names to a bold creed of freedom that set the course of our Nation and changed the history of the world. On this anniversary, we remember the great courage and conviction of our Founders, and we celebrate the enduring principles of our Declaration of Independence.

Through selfless sacrifice and unrelenting determination, the patriots of the American Revolution ensured that our Nation's claim to liberty and equality would not be dismissed or forgotten. The ideals they fought for and the country they helped establish are lasting symbols of hope to the entire world.

Our commitment to America's founding truths remains steadfast. We believe that freedom is a blessing from the Almighty and the birthright of every man and woman. As our Nation faces new challenges, we are answering history's call with confidence that our legacy of freedom will always prevail. On Independence Day, we express our gratitude to the generations of courageous Americans who have defended us and those who continue to serve in our country's hour of need, and we celebrate the liberty that makes America a light to the nations.

Laura and I wish you a Happy Fourth of July. May God bless you, and may He bless our wonderful country.