The Coordinating Leadership Team (CLT) met February 7-8 and the General Council meet February 9-11, 2008 in Daytona Beach, FL, for their midyear meeting. We had wonderful meetings and thank you for your prayer. We enjoyed the fellowship with the people of the Daytona Beach, Palatka and Bradenton churches on Sabbath day. We also greatly appreciate the hospitality of the Daytona Beach people in hosting and feeding us during our meetings. A special thank you goes out to Jani Graffius for her organization and delegation of the facilities and meals.
The CLT is made up by the Executives of the six Boards; Andrew Camenga, Board of Christian Education; Kirk Looper, Missionary Society; Kevin Butler, Tract & Communication Council; Gordon Lawton, Council on Ministry; Marjorie Jacob, Women’s Society, and Nick Kersten, Historical Society and is chaired by Rob Appel, SDB Conference Executive Director. The CLT is to coordinate the plans, programs and activities of the various denominational organizations and bring creative ideas and solutions to the General Council.
The General Council is comprised of the above, minus Nick, plus 6 elected members; Don Graffius, Ruth Burdick, David Davis, Andrew Samuels, Jane Mackintosh and Ed Cruzan, and the President of the Memorial Fund, George Cruzan. The Council is in place to handle the business of the General Conference when it is not in sessions at the yearly meetings, and works on behalf of that body.
During our meetings in Florida here are some of the highlights.
Promotional DVD – Convey what Boards and Agencies are doing for the local church. Kevin Butler was appointed to take charge of this project. And will have something by pre-Conference meeting.
Christian Social Action – Rob Appel and Don Graffius will be meeting with several key committee members on April 20, 2008. The Subcommittee will look into the CSA Standard Operating Procedures and make recommendations to the General Council at the pre-Conference meeting.
Pastors 403(b) – There are IRS changes for pastor’s retirement for 2009. COSAR standing committee to work with MF & COM to implement necessary recommendations.
CLT – to discuss and report back in pre-Conference General Council meeting in July on defining the rights, responsibilities and duties of Boards/Agencies that are directly dependent upon General Conference, as stated in Bylaws Article VIII, Section 2(b). Also they will need to define the relationships of the remaining affiliated agencies of the General Conference; the SDB Missionary Society, SDB Board of Christian Education and the SDB Historical Society.
Create & Implement Regular Appeals – In an effort to raise income for the Conference budget a subcommittee presented the concept of outward missions, and inward missions, such as at Thanksgiving/Harvest and Easter/Passover time frames. We have so much to be thankful for. How can we show our gratitude in giving to specific ministries that are vibrant and cutting edge in reaching the lost?
We had many other house-keeping items that we needed to spend time and decision on. Some of these will appear in our report to the General Conference session on August 4, 2008.