Help World Fed Wives get to Wisconsin
by Kevin Butler
An important message from our national SDB Women's Society:
Dear SDB families,
This summer, the Seventh Day Baptist World Federation will hold their meetings in the United States, at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. This is the same site for the 2008 General Conference. The World Federation (held every five years) will meet July 28 – August 2, the week before our General Conference.
This year we would like to give the World Fed Executive officers the opportunity to bring their wives. Most of the wives are leaders in their Conference’s women’s organization. Coming together would enable them to gather ideas to develop new groups, and get some practical ideas to nurture and maintain their existing organization. This would also give the women of our Conference the opportunity to meet and dialogue with women from around the world.
With your help we can bring an additional six or seven people to the USA. The cost will be approximately $8,000. If each women’s group raised and donated $200, we would have enough to purchase airfare, and pay the room and board for their stay. Of course, we would welcome gifts from individuals.
The World Federation needs your donations to help with these meetings. Although the gtherings are fraternal in structure, they are valuable in forming relationships between General Secretaries. It encourages cooperation among Conferences and stimulates interaction between Conference leaders. If the Spirit leads you to donate, please send your gift to: SDB Women’s Society, Enid Nobles, 9 Little Pond Trail, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 (please memo: “SDB World Fed – Wives”) and mail by April 30, 2008.
Thank you for caring and for your support.
In His Service,
Marjorie Jacob, President
SDB Women’s Society
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