Pastor Appreciation Month
by Gordon P. Lawton
Every Sabbath we gather and express our appreciation to God. At the beginning of the Sabbath School year many churches focus on the dedicated teachers. In the spring we may have "advancement" for our Sabbath School students as they move from one class to another. We celebrate with our youth as they graduate from high school and college.
We all appreciate our pastors but sometimes forget to show our appreciation. October has come to be known as Clergy (or Pastor) Appreciation Month.
There are good resources which can be found on line. Also it is a great encouragement to a pastor to discover that their congregation cared enough to seek out a special date to remember, whether ordination or accreditation anniversary, wedding anniversary or milestone in service to this local congregation.
If you don’t think that you will have enough time to plan for this October, you might want to focus on one of the above special days or do something on the Martin Luther King Jr. birthday holiday in January. It is the only national holiday that honors a pastor, a baptist pastor.
Here is a website from Focus on the Family with a downloadable appreciation planning guide in English and Spanish.
Here is a site from Christianity Today with information and pastor appreciation e-cards.
Don’t overlook the e-cards at our SDB e-card site.
There are other materials out there if you search the web.
There are other materials out there if you search the web.
If you want to know some of the milestones from your pastor's ministry life, contact me at and I will try to get the information you would like.
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