Monday, November 03, 2008

A Higher Calling

by Kevin Butler
Are you hard at work on this Monday? Do you feel fulfilled, or is it just the "daily grind"?

While listening to a classical music station, I heard a great story about a pro basketball player who gave up his career to help out with a sick daughter at home. Even though the radio station is secular, the message of this one-minute promo was downright inspirational.

The tag line at the end directed me to check out The High Calling website. I was very impressed. The site has loads of resources to help laypeople get connected with their faith. Here's '' mission statement: seeks to connect people with the faith that undergirds and sustains all that we do. That’s why it is the high calling of our daily work. Daily work embraces all aspects and activities of daily life—including home, community, leisure, as well as occupation.

Supported by one of the oldest Christian foundations in the state of Texas, The High Calling looks to be a wonderful resource for anyone in the workforce or marketplace. I encourage you to check it out.

Oh, and their "Laity Lodge" in the Texas Hill Country looks like a fantastic getaway and training center.


Blogger Standfast said...

Great to have the opportunity to comment.

I've been a fan of Mark Roberts since before he went to "High Calling." His book, Can We Trust the Gospels? is a great summary of the arguments for the historicity of the Gospel accounts.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Kevin Butler said...

Thanks for the tip on a good book.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Kevin Butler said...

One SDB pastor checked out the High Calling site and was impressed. He sent the link to his whole church e-mail list.

Sounds like a helpful idea. We are so bogged down with life and work-- High Calling can provide some practical relief.

10:53 AM  

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