BJC Responds to Court Nomination
by Kevin Butler
From the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
WASHINGTON - While retiring Justice David Souter's church-state record will be difficult to replace, the Baptist Joint Committee hopes that President Barack Obama's nominee for the High Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, will do just that.
"More than any other justice, Justice Souter has reflected the Baptist Joint Committee's understanding of the proper interpretation of the religion clauses and how they apply to contemporary church-state issues," said BJC Executive Director J. Brent Walker.
Judge Sotomayor has impressive credentials and extensive judicial experience. Her time working as a prosecutor and her time working in a private law firm before her appointment to the federal bench give her experience in many different aspects of law.
Sotomayor also enjoyed bipartisan support in her career. She was appointed to the federal bench by President George H.W. Bush and elevated to the appeals court by President Bill Clinton.
Read the rest of the statement here.
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