Ephrata Registration Closed!
by Nick Kersten
As was noted in the pages of the Sabbath Recorder and in this blogspace, the registration deadline has passed for the Historical Society sponsored tour of the Ephrata Cloisters during this year's General Conference meetings at Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster, PA.
The Ephrata Cloister is an important site for SDB's as it is the location of the first German Seventh Day Baptist community, founded in 1733 by Conrad Beissel. The Cloister became the property of the state of Pennsylvania in the early 20th century and has since been open as a historical site for tours. A non-profit organization, the Ephrata Cloister Associates, has worked with the state of Pennsylvania to aid in the preservation of the site and in the training of volunteer staff.
The 100 spots reserved for the tour were filled before the July 1 deadline, which is an exciting and encouraging statement about SDB's enthusiasm for our history!
For those SDB's who meant to register and did not, don't fret! The Cloister is still open to visitors and will be open during the time surrounding our General Conference meetings. We hope you will have opportunity to visit the Cloister as you plan your trip to Conference!
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