New Website for World Fed
by Kevin Butler
The Seventh Day Baptist World Federation was a new website at
The site shares this introduction:
"Seventh Day Baptist unity in Christ and a vigorous witness throughout the world."
That was the broad goal stated by the founders of the SDB World Federation in 1964. Members of the Federation are Seventh Day Baptist conferences and conventions or groups in all parts of the world who cooperate in the purposes and program of the Federation.
For 45 years, the purpose of the International body remain essentially the same:
1. To provide increased communication among Seventh Day Baptist groups around the world.
2. To promote projects of mutual interest which will benefit from international cooperation.
3. To stimulate fellowship among Seventh Day Baptist Christians through periodic meetings of representatives, exchange of representatives between conferences or groups, and programs of mutual aid.
We invite you to check the new World Federation website for more information.
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