SDBs Chuck Pumpkins—again
by Kevin Butler
Seventh Day Baptist youth (and not-so-youth) from the Shiloh and Marlboro, New Jersey, churches competed once again in the nearby Punkin Chunkin event.
This year they devised more of a “cannon” than a catapult (or trebuchet). It certainly helped hurl the poor gourds much farther. The SDB team took honors in the distance category, easily besting their own first-place finish from last year.
The fun day of activities included hay rides, pumpkin seed spitting, skillet throwing, and scarecrow making—AND a time of praise and worship to share the Gospel. You’ll hear more about the Great Punkin Chunkin 2009 event in a future Sabbath Recorder.
You can check out a video of the Shiloh-Marlboro pumpkin-cannon story on YouTube. (Search “Shiloh Marlboro SDB Pumpkin Chuckin 2009” or click here.)
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