Matching Gifts for Malawi
by Kevin Butler
In the last Sabbath Recorder, I advertised how you can give toward the education of SDB pastors’ children in Malawi, Africa. The gifts can also go toward bicycles for the pastors to reach their churches and people.
These funds for Malawi will be matched, thanks to the generosity and vision of the SDB Memorial Fund trustees.
I did not specify where you can send the donations.
You actually have three choices: the SDB Missionary Society, the Miami SDB Church, and the Metro Atlanta SDB Church are all accepting donations for Malawi. (Their addresses are below.) Make your check out directly to the Society or church, and please be sure to designate your gift as “Malawi Matching” in the memo.
Your gifts for Malawi will be doubled by the Memorial Fund through the end of July. Thank you for helping our sister Conference.
SDB Missionary Society
19 Hillside Ave.
Ashaway RI 02804
Metro Atlanta SDB Church
P.O. Box 1104
Dallas, GA 30132
Miami SDB Church
10185 NW 7th. Ave
Miami, FL 33150
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