Good CLT and General Council meetings
by Kevin Butler
The Coordinating Leadership Team and the General Council had productive and cooperative meetings in Daytona Beach, Florida. We thank the members of the SDB church in Daytona for their gracious hosting and providing healthy meals for us all. We try to schedule these mid-year meetings between the 500 Nascar race and "Bike Week." :)
The General Council (made up of elected members-at-large and Board/Agency executive officers) represents the SDB General Conference when Conference is not in session. Good discussions covered budget and policy matters and much more. Ron Ochs from the Milton, Wis., SDB Church gave an in-depth report from the "Ad Hoc 1" Committee, set up to examine and improve the efficiency of the various agency offices. He also provided a glimpse of the initial observations of "Ad Hoc 2", formed to study our Conference structure. Much of Ron's report helped to spur on further discussion and brainstorming.
God blessed us with safe travel, excellent meetings and warm fellowship.
(Photo by Gordon Lawton shows our meeting on Sunday. We gathered in the "Colony North" clubhouse, a mobile home park where many SDBs live in Daytona.)
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