Iron sharpened on the radio
by Kevin Butler
According to our Facebook fans, we did okay yesterday!
The live radio interview (via the phone) on radio station WNYG on Long Island allowed local listeners, and who-knows-how-many more on the web, gain a basic introduction to Seventh Day Baptists. Chris Arnzen, host of the program “Iron Sharpens Iron” interviewed Nick Kersten and myself, giving us a chance to discuss our history and beliefs.
Arnzen and several callers posed some questions that led to a good, overall discussion. While we were off the air, Chris said he appreciated the upbeat spirit of the program. I pray that the Lord was pleased as well.
This interview served as a prelude to a special four-day series coming up May 10-13. Our own Rod Henry will participate in a Sabbath-or-Sunday debate on this same venue. Please be in prayer for Rod as he prepares, that the Lord will give him the right words and that He would open up new opportunities for ministry. Those programs will run from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. eastern time.

If you want to hear Wednesday’s program, go to "" Under the listing for Wednesday, April 28, you’ll see our names and the show’s title, Seventh Day Baptists: Their History and Beliefs. As soon as you stop laughing at my picture (taken about 10 years ago), right above it you can click on the “MP3 Available Here” link. If you have the proper media player, you’ll be able to listen to the entire program. (You’ll hear about 3 minutes of Spanish music and talk at the beginning, followed by about 9 minutes of introductions and commercials. Then comes the grand introduction of a couple of nail-biting SDBs, wondering when we’d have the chance to talk!)
Enjoy! You can send your feedback to our Facebook pages at Nicholas Kersten or Sabbath Recorder.
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