New pastor at Metro Atlanta
by Kevin Butler
by Bettie Pearson
On Sabbath, August 11, 2007, members and friends of the Metro Atlanta Seventh Day Baptist Church welcomed their new pastor and his wife, John J. and Tabatha Pethtel, and their son, Xavier. The celebration was led by Luis D. Lovelace, the church’s former pastor.
Midway through the morning service here in Hiram, Ga., the Pethtels were invited to come forward for the installation. Church leaders placed their hands on the kneeling couple as retired pastor David C. Pearson offered a dedicatory prayer.
Pastor Luis gave the charge to Pastor John, and then to the church. He told us that we should look ahead in anticipation and confidence, expecting God to do great things among us as Pastor John leads us forward.
At the close of the meeting, we enjoyed a fellowship dinner.
The previous month, our congregation and visiting friends recognized Pastor Luis’ 18 years of ministry with us. That appreciation service was held on July 7.
After morning worship and dinner, Jeff Hargett presented a Powerpoint portrayal of Luis’ years among our congregation. Several members spoke words of appreciation, and one offered encouragement for Luis’ future service for the Lord. We then presented Pastor Luis with a plaque commemorating his ministry here.
Pastor Luis served us faithfully for many years. Now we are entering a new era, looking forward to what God has prepared for us in the future.
“Good things are in store for the Metro Atlanta Church,” Pastor John remarked, “as we encourage each other to participate more fully in the work of God’s Kingdom.”
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