Facts of Life explained
by Kevin Butler
"Do you really know the Facts of Life?" is the title and theme of a new salvation tract produced by the American Sabbath Tract and Communication Council. The 20-page booklet was unveiled at our General Conference in August.
The colorful tract features 7 facts of real (eternal) life. Powerful Bible verses and illustrations point readers to their need for Christ and his sacrifice. The booklet ends with an invitation to become part of the closest Seventh Day Baptist congregation.
The "Facts of Life" tract is available now through our E-Store, or by e-mail at media@seventhdaybaptist.org, or call the Center at 608-752-5055. Each copy is 20 cents.
For a complete overview of the tract, check out the feature article in the October Sabbath Recorder-- now appearing on-line, and soon in many of your mailboxes.
May the Lord bless this evangelistic tool and bring many new people into His forever family.
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