Monday, November 03, 2008

Voting has its Rewards

by Kevin Butler
Our friend Cindy Burks from Texas let us in on the latest bribe to voters tomorrow: free Starbucks coffee!

It's true. I went to the Starbucks website and they show an 'inspirational' presentation to get out the vote. After you cast your ballot on Tuesday, you can pop in to your nearest Starbucks, tell them you did your civic duty, and you'll get a free tall cup of brewed coffee.

Rumor has it that Ben and Jerry's and Krispy Kreme are following suit with some freebies, but with Starbucks being the most ubiquitous...

Please, regardless of the offers, I hope that most Americans will take advantage of their privilege to vote. With my work schedule and then helping at our church's annual election day dinner tomorrow, I was able to cast my vote today at the municipal building.

Hey, where's MY coffee?


Blogger House of Leoj said...

If you've studied the issues and candidates, then please vote.

Please don't vote just to get a free cup of coffee.

My $.02

8:58 AM  
Blogger Linda said...

Starbucks or not, it is important for everyone to vote---

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I treasure our privilege to make decisions that influence our society. Voting is one vehicle for this privilege. How blessed we are.

I've been using an absentee ballot for a few years, and it is very helpful. Now I no longer wait in line, nor do I need to carve out time on a busy Tuesday to make a physical appearance. I just mail my ballot, making sure it arrives by election day. Plus, I still get a ballot stub, so I can get all the free stuff!

6:54 AM  
Blogger Rob Appel said...

There are some polling places that actually have sandwiches and doughnuts and coffee for those that come to vote.

So were my tax dollars helping provide the bribe to get out and vote? Hmmmmm????

8:54 AM  

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