Bentz departure to Lesotho postponed
by Kevin Butler
From the Mark and Linda Bentz family:
Our departure to Lesotho, Africa has officially been postponed until July 22, 2010.
Now What?
Someone told us when we began this journey into missions in the fall of 2007 that it may take a couple of years to raise support. Had we believed him (sorry Pastor Nate), we may not have continued on. But for some reason, we have complete peace! The last thing we want is to be on the mission field outside of God's perfect timing. Is it a coincidence that, twice in our lives, God has had us move on that exact same day? We will spend these next few months staying with Linda's sister & her family in Milton, WI. Mark will return to substitute teaching. God has laid it on our hearts to set a few goals for the limited time left in the states:
- To regularly spend time growing relationships in our home church & looking for ways to minister.
- To discover with our home church what it means to be a "sending church" for missionaries.
- To reach some goals in our personal finances.
- To allow the kids time to be "normal" and participate in extracurricular activities.
- To have a totally awesome, fulfilling semester of homeschooling.
- To continue seeking out every opportunity to share our passion for Africa missions.
Support raising:
If you are already supporting this mission monthly, THANK YOU! Your faithfulness encourages others to follow. Your contributions will continue to grow the Outgoing Support Fund until the time we depart. Because of your faithfulness, this fund should be at 100% by July!!
Our Monthly Support is currently at 40%. Please pray that it will grow to 100% by June so this work will not be postponed again!! If you are interested in pledging monthly once we are in Africa, please e-mail us now or mark on your pledge card for contribution to begin "upon departure".
You may also contribute on-line at the Africa Inland Mission website. Be sure to designate the funds to: Bentz, Mark & Linda
Thank you so much for your continued prayer & support.
May the Lord bless you abundantly!!!
Mark, Linda & kids
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