White Christmas 2009
by Kevin Butler
Some of our churches take an offering toward a "White Christmas Gift"-- a special boost for a special need at this time of year.
The SDB Missionary Society has compiled a “White Christmas List” of needs of our sister Conferences and churches around the world. It is not as easy task to decide where to send funds. Here is a brief look at this year’s list.
• Need for medical supplies and equipment in the Cameroon. They ran out of serum and medicines for wounds. Their clinics have many with HIV/AIDS.
• The hospitals and clinics in Malawi are always in need of supplies and equipment in their medical work. They are looking for funds to help with beds. They could use a newer ambulance to help with the work there.
• Other needs for the work in India and The Philippines.
• Several of our Conferences have schools connected with the churches. Needs are for teacher salaries, furniture, basic school supplies, chalk or marker boards, and money for uniforms. In some of the schools the students use a small lap-sized slate for practicing penmanship and math. This saves on the cost of paper.
• Schools in Uganda and Burundi are without roofs and some have no building at all.
Family needs:
• Cooking pans and utensils, carpentry tools, clothing and blankets.
• Funds to purchase equipment and supplies to start businesses for the women
• To teach the women in the village in areas of evangelism, childcare, and home nursing.
• For the General Secretaries to reach the remote villages to help organize, develop, and teach the congregations.
• Bicycles (range from $100 to several hundred dollars) are needed for the pastors and leaders.
The Missionary Society has many more details of these needs. You may call them at (401) 596-4326, or e-mail them here. Thank you for your kind consideration.
You may send your gift to the SDB Missionary Society, 19 Hillside Ave., Ashaway, RI 02804.
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