Listening is Important
by Gordon P. Lawton
a man named Chris who had gone out from the UK to smuggle Bibles into China. She related,
“Every three seconds someone in China becomes a Christian, but there’s a real lack of the Word of God there. This is what happened to Chris: he and his team stood at the pickup point in China where they were to meet their contact, who would utter a password, and they would deliver their Bibles. They arrived with only minutes to spare, but the contact didn’t show up. Knowing they were being watched, the team started walking towards the edge of town as though leaving. Hot and tired, they stopped at a nearby park for a drink of water, rest, and prayer. It was hard to understand why after all the difficulties God had brought them through that something had gone so wrong. They had looked to Him for provision and direction, and yet their mission had seemingly failed.
“Soon the team became aware of three very ragged and dirty men under a tree behind them. Chris felt the Lord leading him to go over with some water. When he offered it, one of the men suddenly spoke the password very clearly in English. The rest of the team hurried over in amazement and pieced together the men’s story from the little Chinese that they knew. Two years earlier, God had given a word to these Chinese men in one of their services that they should plan for this trip. He would lead them to this park, on this date, and have Bibles ready for them, which would be brought by white men from far away. Since they were all poor farmers, it had taken a long time for them to save the money for food and shoes for the trip. The men had walked for two and a half months, mostly at night to keep from being arrested. Coming from the far north of China near Mongolia, they had climbed a range of snowcapped mountains, traveled through the desert, and crossed several rivers without a compass or any knowledge of the country. All they could explain was that God had shown them where to go.
“How did they know the password? How could they speak it in English when they knew no English? How did they survive the heat and the snow without protective clothing? It could only be God.
“When the men saw the Bibles, they cried and praised the Lord for a long time. They had brought cloth bags with them to carry the Bibles home, and inside each one was a small watermelon that they had carried all those miles as a gift of appreciation. Even though they had been without food for several days, they didn’t eat a single watermelon. The team exchanged clothes with them and Chris explained what an honor it was to put on those dirty rags. The shoes were completely worn out, but the team chose to go barefoot and give up their own shoes, which fit the others perfectly. Apparently God had chosen each group member based in part on their shoe size. Many tears were shed as the team prayed for the Chinese and sent them back home with food and money for their journey.”
The author’s point was, “Jesus is the God of abundance. He is the one within whom this provision, this abundance, is located. Look to him, behold him, and you will be amazed.”
Copyright © 2008 Ravi Zacharias International Ministeries (RZIM). Reprinted with permission.
I began to think about these Chinese farmers as modern day wise-men. Certainly they were not kings or magicians, but they were wise, and listened when God spoke, just like those magi so long ago.
This year it has come strongly to me that, Joseph too was a man who listened to God, and obeyed. Joseph was confused by God’s actions in Mary’s life, and yet he obeyed. (Matt 1:18ff) Joseph was listening, possibly two years after the birth of Jesus, when he was told to get out of town fast. (Matt 2:13ff) And then after Herod died again he followed directions and moved back to Nazareth. (Matt 2:19ff). We hear only in passing of Joseph after these accounts. He is one of the parents in the account of Jesus at age 12 (not quite a man yet) in the temple. (Luke 2:41ff). I am confident that there are many like Joseph who through the centuries have listened to God, obeyed and influenced many and whose stories we will not hear this side of heaven.
At this time of the year when most believers celebrate Jesus’ birth, let’s keep our eyes and ears and hearts open for the messages God is sending our way. For we rejoice in Immanuel, He who is God with us.
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