Try a National Day of Listening
by Kevin Butler
Besides listening to local radio and internet radio and satellite radio and shortwave radio, I sometimes tune into Public Radio. I know that you might question their liberal agenda, but please set that aside for a second while I talk about StoryCorps and a National Day of Listening.
The StoryCorps project (independent, nonprofit) has spent the last five years traveling the country in little Airstream trailers that contain mini recording studios. Over 40,000 “everyday people” have shared life stories in these StoryBooths. It’s family or friends “interviewing” family or friends. Each conversation is recorded on a free CD, and is preserved at the Library of Congress. StoryCorps is one of the largest oral history projects of its kind.
If you’ve ever heard one of these StoryCorps conversations, you know that it’s more real and personal than anything “reality TV” can ever dream of offering. You can listen to these broadcasts on the radio or the web.
Here’s what happening this week. StoryCorps wants to declare Friday, November 28, 2008 as the first annual “National Day of Listening.” This is how they describe it:
This holiday season, ask the people around you about their lives — it could be your grandmother, a teacher, or someone from the neighborhood. By listening to their stories, you will be telling them that they matter and they won’t ever be forgotten. It may be the most meaningful time you spend this year.
Our Do-It-Yourself Guides have everything you need to record your conversation, including simple step-by-step instructions, advice on choosing equipment, and a list of favorite StoryCorps questions.
I invite you to check out the National Day of Listening site, forget about shopping the day after Thanksgiving, and share yourself in listening to (and recording) someone who matters to you. Let’s honor and celebrate and give thanks for the special people in our lives!
Hi Kevin,
Thank you so much for spreading the word about the National Day of Listening! Support like this means so much to StoryCorps.
Due to the overwhelming response to the National Day of Listening, we are hoping to pass on a new holiday idea: For everyone who did an interview surrounding the National Day of Listening (or are thinking about recording a loved one), making a copy of it and pairing it with a paperback copy of our book, “Listening is an Act of Love,” provides a meaningful touch to the holiday season, and gives that special someone even more incredible stories to read!
One of the stories from our book, about what a hospital chaplain discovered as she blessed the hands of her coworkers, was broadcast this morning. You can listen at: More information about the book as well as more DIY recording tips can be linked to at
Thanks again and best wishes for the New Year!
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