With Christmas comes Hope
by Kevin Butler
A Christmas Message from the Baptist World Alliance
"And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father's only son, full of grace and truth." John 1:14
Christmas is the season of HOPE - hope that the ordinary and the mundane can be transformed into instruments of beauty to the glory of God.
How can we fail to be moved by the extraordinary story of a betrothed couple and an arduous journey and a simple cattle trough where divinity touches down on earth?
Realizing that something special has happened, a star came out to gaze, shepherds bowed down in worship, and magi paid tribute to the one whose appearing has cosmic proportions.
A village in ancient Israel becomes the erstwhile home of the Messiah promised of old and Bethlehem bears the message of hope to the entire world.
This hope is not earthed in a context that is predictably calm or a social situation where injustice can find no home. This hope is not birthed in the magnificence of earthly splendor and the extravagance of worldly excess. No! This hope is born where earthly powers are drunk with might, where little children are entirely at risk and sages have good reason to fear.
Hope is found where no signs portend that it could ever exist. Hope is available where reasoned assessments suggest its non-existence or death.
Hope becomes a reality because of the Incarnation!
May this season be for you one that is filled with hope because it is shot through with the consciousness of the coming of a Savior through whom God makes all things new.
Neville Callam
General Secretary
Baptist World Alliance
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