Pastor Appreciation
by Gordon P. Lawton
On January 18, we have a national holiday which honors a Baptist pastor. Martin Luther King Jr. is not honored because he was Baptist or a pastor, but those two elements of who he was contributed greatly to his non-violent leadership in the cause of racial equality.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month, but there are other times we can show appreciation to our pastors. Anniversaries are a great time. The SDB Church in Plainfield, NJ, had a special celebration in December honoring their pastor for 25 years of service to that congregation. Anniversaries of ordination, accreditation, and marriage are also great times to say "we appreciate you."
And, if you need a reason to love on your pastor, the Sabbath before Martin Luther King Jr. day is as good as any. That weekend you can honor more than one Baptist pastor.
pastor lawton.
happy new year, and happy sabbath. by the im from the cebu city sdb phils. Our church is one of the fruits of your father during his mninistry in the Philippines. we much a live. i hope that ptr. leon still remember us, and pls tell ptr. leon his thomson chain bible with dedication to my late grandfather ptr. ferraren still intact.
pastor gordon
you can see our chuch by facebook, sdbphils.
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