Bricks for Malawi, Ice Cream for You!
by Kevin Butler
News of this exciting project comes from Jean Jorgensen:
At General Conference in August, the Youth Interest Committee voted to “Unite SDB Youth for a common international project with the denomination.”
The chosen project is “Bricks for Malawi.” Funds are needed for bricks to build the maternity ward and three staff houses at the Thembe Health Centre. Malawi’s SDB General Secretary Nedd Lozani estimates it will take 300,000 bricks to finish the project.
Each brick costs 4 cents, U.S.
Have fun promoting donations at your church using a brick theme (e.g., a box painted like a brick where folks can put in loose change, or stack up one brick for every $5).
We encourage you to set a goal for the number of bricks your youth group or church can provide. How about some “friendly competition” between churches?
You can share your ideas or questions on Jean Jorgensen’s Facebook, or e-mail her at You may also contact Levi Bond, the Youth Representative on the Missionary Society Board at
The project will end on March 21 with a Nationwide Ice Cream Social! To have everybody sharing ice cream at the same time, that means you can dig in at 4 pm Pacific time, 5 pm Mountain time, 6 pm Central, and 7 pm Eastern. Send photos of your social to Jean, and she’ll put an article in The Sabbath Recorder.
Please send all donations to SDB Missionary Society, 19 Hillside Ave., Ashaway RI 02804. Write “Bricks for Malawi” on the check memo line. And HAVE FUN!!
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