National Bible Week coming
by Kevin Butler
The 2008 National Bible Week will be held November 23-30. This description comes from the website of the National Bible Association:
National Bible Association’s signature event is celebrated the week of Thanksgiving every year since 1941. Governors and Mayors from across the country proclaim National Bible Week in their states and towns. Congressional co-chairs from the House and Senate enter National Bible Week statements into the Congressional Record, and every US President since Franklin D. Roosevelt has issued a National Bible Week Message.
Bookstores, service clubs, civic groups, and local congregations participate in and promote National Bible Week using materials provided by the National Bible Association. Designed to raise the nation’s interest in the value and importance of reading the Bible, it is the perfect kick-off to the religious holiday season. Since 1951, this special week has been chaired by a well-respected national leader acting out of personal conviction of the importance of the Bible.
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