Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October To Be BUSY

by Kevin Butler

Welcome to October and a busy Fall season, SDB workers!!

Ron Elston will be heading to the Southwest while Nick Kersten hits the Northwest.
Althea Rood heads to Wisconsin for the first meeting of the new Women's Society Board while Kirk Looper is in the middle of the country.

October also brings meetings for all the execs on the Coordinating Leadership Team; quarterly gatherings of the Missionary Society, Memorial Fund, and Board of Christian Education; plus the annual meeting for the American Sabbath Tract and Communication Council (TCC).

Where do I find all this information? Check out page 26 of the new Sabbath Recorder, on-line here.

I also encourage you to read the main feature by Leanna Wethington. Not one to be up-front, her General Conference experience propelled her to the pulpit to share her Conference overview, which became a personal testimony and a salvation message!

Oh, and for a sneak preview of the November issue, SDB Center workers Gordon and Linda Lawton are grandparents!! A certain birth announcement will list Elijah James Berg born to Matthew and Miriam (Lawton) Berg on September 26. Praise the Lord!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Attn: Salem College grads!

by Kevin Butler
We just received this from Salem, WV:

J.W. Brooks, Chancellor,
invites you to attend

Salem International
University Homecoming

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lawn of Jennings Randolph House
9:00 - 11:30 am

Parade on Main Street

Reception/SIU Through the Years
TED Gymnasium
Campus Tours
5:00 - 7:00 pm

Banquet $25 per person
TED Gymnasium
7:15 - 8:45 pm

Homecoming Dance
TED Gymnasium
9:00 pm - 1:00 am

Apple Butter Festival
Salem Depot
October 1-4, 2009

Please RSVP right away to or

Recall to Active Duty for Memorial Fund Financial Director

by Morgan Shepard

Most of you by now have heard that I have been recalled to active duty by the U.S. Navy. I report the end of November ’09 and will be serving in Djibouti, Africa through the end of 2010. Djibouti is a small country on the eastern coast of Africa in what is called the “Horn of Africa”. During my deployment I will be overseeing construction contracts for the US Navy.

The Memorial Fund is developing plans to ensure that business will continue as usual. The quarterly distributions, loan requests, grant requests will continue with minimal (if any) interruption. I would also ask your prayers for my family as they stay behind. I firmly believe that my wife will have the harder job of keeping up with two little boys :-). I’ll keep in touch during my deployment so keep watching.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

See You at the Pole?

by Kevin Butler

Wednesday, September 23, marks the annual "See You at the Pole" student prayer gatherings at our nation's schools.

J. Brent Walker, Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, writes about this event in The Washington Post:

How to Pray at School

This week, millions of students all over America will attend "See You at the Pole" prayer meetings in public as well as private schools. The annual event leads students to gather around their school flagpole for prayer on the fourth Wednesday of September. First begun by Texas Baptists almost two decades ago, "See You at the Pole" has spread across the country, and it now garners participation by students of many denominational ties. It is important to highlight this program because it provides an example of how students can properly engage in religious exercises, even in the public schools.

As the Supreme Court pointed out, "nothing in the Constitution as interpreted by this Court prohibits any public school student from voluntarily praying at any time, before, during, or after the school day."

"See You at the Pole" prayer meetings - along with Bible clubs, prayer before meals and tests and silently throughout the day and neutral moments of silence - provide ample opportunity for students to communicate with God while at school.

It is important, however, to understand some areas of concern and possible pitfalls.

For the complete article, click here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

More Towels!!!

by Rob Appel

We just received more towels that were available at the end of the Conference sessions this past summer. If you would like to order these, they are available at the SDB Center at a cost of $1.00 each + shipping.

Seventh Day Baptist Center
P.O. Box 1678
Janesville, WI 53547

Friday, September 18, 2009

Bentz Mission Adventure continues

by Kevin Butler

The Mark and Linda Bentz family (from Milton, Wis.) continues on their 18-week adventure visiting SDB churches to raise support for their upcoming mission assignment in Lesotho, Africa.

The October Sabbath Recorder will carry a testimony of the miracles that have occurred so far on their trek.

Lord willing, the Bentzes will be at the Central Maryland SDB Church in Mitchellville, Md., this coming Sabbath, followed by a visit to the New England Yearly Meeting in Middletown, Conn., on September 26.

You are invited to “follow” the Bentz family adventure by checking their blog site at

If they are going to be near you, consider contacting them for an evening/ midweek gathering. Call 608-774-1362.

19 - Central Maryland (Mitchellville)
26 - Middletown, CT, New England Yearly Meeting

3 - Lost Creek, WV
10 - Shiloh, NJ
16 - Alfred Station, NY
23 - Brookfield, NY
31 - Paint Rock, AL

7 - Metro Atlanta, GA
13 - Palm Beach, FL - Association
21 - Nortonville, KS
28 - Boulder/Denver, CO

5 - Colorado Springs, CO
12 - Dodge Center, MN
19 - Milton, WI

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Daily Bible Meditations by Email

by Andrew Camenga

The Helping Hand's Daily Bible Meditations are now available for delivery by email. The sign up process is easy and requires you to confirm your email address. After confirmation, the Scripture passage and meditation will be sent to you each morning—making it easier to stay up-to-date.

Now that you can get them so easily, here are some suggestions for …

Using The Helping Hand Devotions by: Gordon P. Lawton

The Helping Hand has suggested Bible readings and short devotional thoughts for each day. To help your personal devotional time with God, the following outline is offered.

Get settled in your devotional spot. A place where you can read, pray and think without interruption is best. Being in the same place for your devotions helps develop this positive habit.

Begin with prayer. A suggested prayer follows. Your prayer should help you focus on God and recognize His presence with you.

I am here in Your presence my Lord and my God. Knowledge of You and direction for the hours ahead are what I seek. You know my heart and my thoughts. Instruct me in Your way. Encourage and direct me. May the memory of this intimate season with You be sweet and whet my appetite for our future appointments. Amen.

Read the Scripture.

Think about the Scripture.

  • Is God saying anything to me today in this passage?
  • What can I learn about life as a follower of Jesus Christ from this passage?
  • Did I learn something I did not know or had forgotten?

Read the devotional thought. Ask similar questions to those above.

Think about the day ahead and the need for God's encouragement and intervention.

Pray. Tell God about your love for Him, needs for the day, concerns for others, anything that is in your heart or mind.

Go. Be productive and aware of God's presence with you in all your activities.

(first published in the Fall 2000 Helping Hand)


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Website for World Fed

by Kevin Butler

The Seventh Day Baptist World Federation was a new website at

The site shares this introduction:

"Seventh Day Baptist unity in Christ and a vigorous witness throughout the world."

That was the broad goal stated by the founders of the SDB World Federation in 1964. Members of the Federation are Seventh Day Baptist conferences and conventions or groups in all parts of the world who cooperate in the purposes and program of the Federation.

For 45 years, the purpose of the International body remain essentially the same:
1. To provide increased communication among Seventh Day Baptist groups around the world.
2. To promote projects of mutual interest which will benefit from international cooperation.
3. To stimulate fellowship among Seventh Day Baptist Christians through periodic meetings of representatives, exchange of representatives between conferences or groups, and programs of mutual aid.

We invite you to check the new World Federation website for more information.

Make Sabbath School memories

by Kevin Butler

Last Wednesday during our staff chapel service at the SDB Center, we shared some memories. I asked others to think of and name a special Sabbath School (or Sunday School) teacher from their youth. Why did we remember that particular servant of the Lord?

We weren't able to identify any specific teaching or lesson--we remembered the person. That special teacher took the time to be with us and model Jesus to us.

The new Sabbath School season is underway at most of our churches. I hope that you are attending a class. And if you are teaching one, may God bless your preparations and classes. You might feel that it's a "chore" today, but you may be making memories that one of your students can share with others many years from now. Be faithful to your calling.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sponsor a Page

by Kevin Butler

The September issue of The Sabbath Recorder is in many mailboxes across the country. When your copy arrives, I’d like you to notice something special about this particular issue.

I hope you take the time to notice that every page of this SR has been sponsored by a generous reader. I also hope that you lift up a prayer of thanksgiving for the donors, and to reflect on the lives of those they have honored or memorialized.

Then I hope that you would consider sponsoring a page yourself. This year marks the 165th anniversary of the Recorder, one of the oldest continuing religious publications in the country.

Individuals or churches can sponsor a page for a gift of $125. Those who give $165 or more can become members of “The Editor’s Circle,” giving you a special recognition in the magazine, plus an opportunity to be among the first people notified when the latest issue is posted to the website.

The Sabbath Recorder is “news for and about Seventh Day Baptists.” You can sponsor a page and help keep this 165-year-old connection going strong. Contact me at Thank you!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sneak Peek at Future SRs

by Kevin Butler

The new Sabbath Recorder Committee met in Paint Rock, Alabama, this past weekend to project what themes our magazine will cover for the next year. Members of the committee are from Paint Rock and the Atlanta area.

Among the topics we plan to feature into 2010:
Thankfulness in difficult circumstances
•Services of the SDB Center on Ministry
Careers (testimonies from SDBs)
Family diversity
Local churches involved in their community
Cultural Diversity among SDBs (yet remaining united)

We may also resurrect the “Pastor Profile” page, and add an occasional profile of a local church. Any more ideas??

And don't forget our new direct web address at!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

How about “”?

by Kevin Butler

Another recommendation from this year’s Conference has been fulfilled: “that the TCC secure a separate URL for The Sabbath Recorder, providing direct access to the current issue. Access would still be available through a link on the denominational website.”

Welcome to! (And to cover our bases, and Webmaster Linda Lawton did some research and found a site where we would purchase all three new URLs for less than $100 per year. Thanks, Linda! We also added some words and graphics to the revised Sabbath Recorder page. Simply clicking on the issue’s front cover will take you to the current month’s copy.

So, if someone hears about our monthly magazine, they don’t have to key in “” and go through our regular website. They can type in sabbathrecorder-dot-whatever (you know what I mean) and they’ll be one click away from reading our flagship publication. Check it out!

Nurture Series: Out of Print

by Andrew Camenga


Date:    September 3, 2009
Subject: Nurture Series Out of Print October 1, 2009
From: Andrew J. Camenga, Executive Director
To: Pastors,
Sabbath School Superintendents and Teachers,
Christian Education Directors/Chairs

All sales of Nurture Series materials will end on October 1, 2009. This is an extension from the date announced at General Conference in order to make sure that you have an opportunity to place your last order.

If you want to place an order for any of the materials, please do so immediately. You may place your order through the General Conference website or by calling the Seventh Day Baptist Center Office: (608) 752-5055.

Some of the material you order may be black and white photocopies; We have run out of some printed lessons.

After October 1, 2009, no printed copies of the Nurture Series will be available.

The Board of Christian Education is working on producing a new set of materials. We plan to have the materials ready for printing by the General Conference session in 2011. If you would like to find out more about the new series, information will be available on the Board of Christian Education website.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Big Birthday coming

by Kevin Butler

This announcement came from Arlouene Edwards about her mother:

On Thursday, September 17, Doris W. Van Horn will reach a landmark 90th birthday! She currently resides at Sierra Vista Healthcare Center in Loveland, Colorado.

I am sending this to pastors of churches she and Kenneth served (or were closely associated with) to invite those who knew her to bless her with a card or remembrance.

She still avidly reads, does a little knitting and loves to work on jigsaw puzzles. I know she would love to receive a personal note! Please mail to:

Mrs. Doris Van Horn
c/o Sierra Vista HealthCare Center
821 Duffield Ct.
Loveland, CO 80537

Let’s join in wishing our precious Doris a Happy Birthday!

Ad-Hoc Committee Named

by Rob Appel
At General Conference this past July the Conference passed a recommendation from the Reference and Counsel Interest Committee that reads as follows:

Recommendation 11: (A)
The Committee recommends the formation of an ad-hoc committee of five people to formulate a new configuration for the General Conference organizational structure.
The Committee further recommends that the ad-hoc committee return its recommendations to the General Council during the year and to the General Conference at the 2010 sessions in Springfield, Missouri.
The Committee further recommends that the General Council appoint qualified individuals for the ad-hoc committee by September 1, 2009.

The General Council is happy to announce that this ad-hoc committee has been named! The members of the committee are in alphabetical order:

Susan Fox - Pataskala, OH SDB Church - Consultant for business organization (IBM)
Donald Graffius - Lost Creek, WV and Salemville German, PA SDB churches - Federal Judge
Othneil Murphy - NYC SDB Church - Businessman
Ronald Ochs - Milton, WI SDB Church - Bank CEO (retired)
James Skaggs - Madison, WI SDB Church - History Teacher (retired)

Please join me in thanking these people for their commitment to do this. Also, please pray for this committee as they deliberate over the next year.