On this night, we wait for the light.
You, O God, are the light.
You are the light of creation.
You are the light we wait for.
You are the Light of Christmas Eve.
On this night Your light shines.
On this night darkness is shattered.
On this night chaos is overcome.
You are the Light of Christmas Eve.
Your light shines through the Child that is given.
Your light shines in the Son who is born.
Your light shines through His ruling and His judgment.
You are the Light of Christmas Eve.
Wonderful Counselor–Guide us from our sinful wanderings and sickness of heart.
Mighty God–Move again across the waters and make Your creation fresh and renewed.
Everlasting Father–Cling to Your children in their stress and grief and bring them joy.
Prince of Peace–Overcome our selfish and warring ways and bring us justice and peace.
You, O God, are the light.
You are the light we wait for.
You are the Light of Christmas Eve.
Come this night.
Come every night.
Come to us. Come to all of us.
Come, Lord Jesus, come. Amen